inclusivity, excellence, and empowerment

Building Bridges to bring Positive Change


Having lived on different continents, I have seen the true value of partnerships in education and what it takes to prepare a child to face the challenges of tomorrow.

Partnerships in education can only be achieved by building relations and bridges.

We will build relationships with fellow board members based on mutual respect for governance and board priorities.


We will build relationships with the Superintendent and all stakeholders within our district to come up with common sense agenda geared towards betterment of the child.

We will strive to bring transparency to the board and build a feedback communication system with the community.

We will fight for diversity and equity across the practice and culture within our district. I will listen to the students whenever called upon or at their point of need.


We will embrace data driven decision-making across within administration led by the superintendent to ensure accountability and a common-sense approach to solving issues.

It will take all of us to work together to make our school district be in the top in math, science and art, therefore humbly request you to join this campaign by way of volunteering , campaign contributions or in any other way you see fit –  only then will we have a voice at the table of decision making affecting the lives of our children.

Accelerate Changes.

We envision a future where employees within our district experience comfortable working conditions, where their dedication and hard work are met with the support and resources they deserve.


Raising Teacher Quality

Community Involvement

Providing More Resources for Schools

Innovating Educational Programs

Improving Student Outcomes

Creating a More Inclusive Environment

Our Team.
Solid & Care.

No matter what your skills or interests are, there is a way for you to volunteer to support Dan. To learn more about how to volunteer

Suada Tarazhi


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut.

Chris Barrero


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut.

Purity Kaboe


Join our Team of Dedicated Volunteers

Sign Up to Join our Campaign –  Together we will have a voice at the decision making table